What is this course about?

End Period Pain and become pain free with Zen Ki Yoga®

Learn this unique yoga, diet and mind system to get rid of your period pain, increase fertility and help you lose weight as it strengthens you internally.

If you have tried everything else and still experience mild or even extreme period pain, Zen Ki Yoga® is your answer. This is a Japanese style of yoga based on working with the meridians just like an acupuncturist would except you use your body to work the meridian lines. You also have the added bonus of strengthening and softening your organs to allow for proper blood and hormone flow through the pelvis.

Learn this amazing style of yoga (with no salute to the suns or down dogs!!) and learn how to heal yourself with principles based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Janie Larmour’s Zen Ki Yoga® has assisted countless women heal period pain and endometriosis without any medical intervention.

With the use of these techniques, you will notice a difference within your first cycle and you should be pain free by 6 – 12 months, depending on your current level of discomfort.

In this course you will learn:

  • the causes of your period pain and how simple it really is to get back into balance
  • about your blood quality and how your diet can improve it or make it worse
  • pelvic anatomy for a better understanding of your healing process
  • Zen Ki Yoga® poses and short easy-to-follow routines to use every day
  • full length (45 min – 1 hour) yoga classes for when you have more time
  • meridians and which ones we need to focus on to alleviate pain
  • detailed tutorials on key yoga poses in relation to the meridians to ensure you get the most out of the poses
  • how to strengthen specific organs that are usually weak and contribute to pain – including your bladder!!!
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine 101 – learn the secrets of Zen Ki Yoga®
  • the psychology around menstruation and how our beliefs, traditions and culture may contribute to pain

This course has other ‘side affects’:

  • a stronger bladder – no matter how weak your bladder is, Zen Ki Yoga® has specific moves that will strengthen your bladder without any Kegel exercises (which can, if performed incorrectly, actually weaken your bladder).
  • weight loss – as Zen Ki Yoga® shapes your internal body, you will see your external body shape up, tone up and lose weight – even from stubborn areas
  • improved digestion – we will be toning and strengthening your digestive organs in this course and your will notice better digestion and excretory functions
  • improved skin quality – your skin is a reflection of your bowels. As your digestive system improves, so will your skin.
  • more balanced mood levels – moods and emotions can fluctuate due to hormones and other meridian imbalances. As we bring these into balance, you will notice a more calm, centred and grounded YOU.
  • improved fertility – the same meridians, organs and energetics of this course are the same for improving your fertility!!!
  • a strong, toned belly – lots of core strength work without tightening or constricting energy flow…

Get ready to work your body and experience proper energy and blood flow through the pelvis!!!

Janie xx

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